Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR)
Training & Skill Enhancement
Engagement Initiative
Internal Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR)
Corporate Social Responsibilities includes a sense of social responsibility toward a variety of stakeholders, both external and internal to the organization. It involves externally toward the surrounding society and internally toward the business. HMN prides itself as a caring and responsible organization that is committed to contribute to the community and stakeholders by a specific programme conducted. Our internal CSR is:
20% ICT Subsidy 20% ICT Subsidy are introduced to enable employee purchase laptop or tablet for their daily use for work or home. 20% are deducted from the total amount of purchase and employee will pay for the laptop or tablet using monthly instalment. Company will cover 20% from the actual price whereas the employee will once pay 80% from to actual price through monthly salary deduction. This laptop or tablet purchasing also promote towards digitalisation among employee.
20% ASB Return Investment
Savings nowadays are very important because it helps protects in event of financial emergency. What’s more, those who work in the Company only expect EPF money in their old age. Therefore, one of the initiatives undertaken by the Company to encourage employees to make savings is to use the concept of 20% ASB Return Investment which means, any employee who makes an ASB Loan or savings at the Bank, a monthly payment of 20% will be subsidized by company.
Financial Assistance without Interest
Financial Assistance is one of the efforts intended to help employees get loans from companies without being subjected to additional interest costs imposed by any financial institution. Management is aware that some of the employees are unable to obtain approval loan to any financial institution due to certain requirements that cannot be fulfil. With this programme, there is no interest paid for this loan. The payment will be based on the time length that has been agreed upon.
Back To School Programme
This initiative is designed to assist parents who are currently working in HMN to enrol their children in Standard 1 and Form 1. Parents with children in Primary 1 would get a total of RM 150, while parents with children in Form 1 will receive a total of RM 250.00.
Business Capital Injection
To encourage and produce Entrepreneurs among HMN Employees, then a capital injection will be given to anyone who is interested by submitting a Proposal Paper. This Capital Injection is a catalyst to start a business on a small or large scale.
HMN also encourage their employee to pursue study in related fields. Managing Director believes that when the employee gains more knowledge, hence he or she can contribute back to the company in any kind of contribution.